Differences between PreferenceChangeListener and SharedPreferenceChangeListener
is not the same as a SharedPreferenceChangeListener
The differences are:
is triggered after any value is saved to the SharedPreferences file.PreferenceChangeListener
is triggered before a value is saved to the SharedPreferences file. Because of this, it can prevent an invalid update to a preference.PreferenceChangeListeners
are also attached to a single preference.
Generally the flow goes like this:
- User updates a preference.
triggered for that preference.- The new value is saved to the SharedPreference file.
listeners are triggered.
Otherwise they act very similarly. In your activity you implement the
, override the onPreferenceChange(Preference preference, Object newValue)
. The onPreferenceChange
method will return either true or false, depending on whether the preference should actually be saved.
Step 1: Implement the OnPreferenceChangeListener:
public class SettingsFragment extends PreferenceFragmentCompat implements OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener, Preference.OnPreferenceChangeListener
Step 2: Attach the listener to the size preference in onCreatePreferences
@Override public void onCreatePreferences(Bundle bundle, String s) { /* Other preference setup code code */ //... Preference preference = findPreference(getString(R.string.pref_size_key)); preference.setOnPreferenceChangeListener(this); }
Step 3: Implement onPreferenceChange
This code will first try to convert the preference into a number and then checks that the number is between 0 and 3. If either of these fail, a toast will be show and false is returned. By returning false, the incorrect value is not saved to shared preferences.
public boolean onPreferenceChange(Preference preference, Object newValue) { Toast error = Toast.makeText(getContext(), "Please select a number between 0.1 and 3", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT); String sizeKey = getString(R.string.pref_size_key); if (preference.getKey().equals(sizeKey)) { String stringSize = ((String) (newValue)).trim(); if (stringSize == null) stringSize = "1"; try { float size = Float.parseFloat(stringSize); if (size > 3 || size <= 0) { error.show(); return false; } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { error.show(); return false; } } return true; }