Git, GitHub
Git - Distributed Version Control System
GitHub - A web site that you can upload your repositories online.
-You can reorder commits simply by changing their order
-You can choose to completely omit some commits. This is designated by pick -- toggling pick off means you want to drop the commit.
-Lastly, it allows you to combine commits.
git rebase -i HEAD~4
^ goes parent commit
git checkout bugFix^
~ move a lot of parent commit instead of going one parent commit
git branch -f master HEAD~3
moves (by force) the master branch to three parents behind HEAD
revert - In order to reverse changes and share those reversed changes with others.
git revert HEAD
reset - reverts changes by moving a branch reference backwards in time to an older commit.
git cherry-pick <Commit1> <Commit2> <...>
you would like to copy a series of commits below your current location
git cherry-pick c2 c4
GitHub - A web site that you can upload your repositories online.
-You can reorder commits simply by changing their order
-You can choose to completely omit some commits. This is designated by pick -- toggling pick off means you want to drop the commit.
-Lastly, it allows you to combine commits.
git rebase -i HEAD~4
^ goes parent commit
git checkout bugFix^
~ move a lot of parent commit instead of going one parent commit
git branch -f master HEAD~3
moves (by force) the master branch to three parents behind HEAD
revert - In order to reverse changes and share those reversed changes with others.
git revert HEAD
reset - reverts changes by moving a branch reference backwards in time to an older commit.
git cherry-pick <Commit1> <Commit2> <...>
you would like to copy a series of commits below your current location
git cherry-pick c2 c4