Git First Commit Commands
Git First Commit Commands
Lecture Command Listing
pwd ls mate ls git status git add git status git commit -m "Initial commit" clear git status
Command Reference
Lists files and folders in current directory. Without parameters, will list non-hidden folders and files.
Git Status
git status
Shows which files have been modified in the working directory vs Git's staging area.
Git Add
git add file-name
Adds the new or newly modified file-name to Git's staging area (index).
Git Commit
git commit -m "A really good commit message"
Commits all files currently in Git's staging area. The -m parameter allows for a commit message directly from the command line.
Clears all previous commands from the terminal screen -- just a bit of clean up.
All command line demos are preformed on the MacOS. Creating and editing files is done with Atom (free).