Git Remote Commands
Git Remote Commands
Command Listing
git status git remote add origin git remote -v git push -u origin master git push origin master ls cd web/ mate index.html clear git commit -am "Updating index page for GH" git status git pull origin master git push origin master
Command Reference
Creating a remote repository reference
git remote add remote-name remote-repository-location
Using git remote add command allows us to associate a remote repository. Normally, you want to paste in the full URL for the remote repository given to you by your Git host (GitHub). By convention, the first or primary remote repository is named origin.
List Git's Remotes
git remote -v
The git remote command lists the names of all the remote repositories and the -v parameter (verbose) will display the full URL of the remote repository for each remote name listed
Send Changes to Remote
git push -u remote-name branch-name git push remote-name branch-name
The git push sends all your local changes (commits) on branch branch-name to the remote named remote-name. The -u parameter is needed the first time you push a branch to the remote.
Receive Changes from Remote
git pull remote-name branch-name
The git pull receives all your remote changes (commits) from the remote named remote-name and on branch branch-name.